Friday, February 6, 2009

Life Under the Glass Ceiling

Our current unit in Mr. Saxon's Honors English Class has begun a study of diversity and the struggles that pertain to growing up within a stereotype. My poem deals with the idea of acting like a gentleman when in the presence of women. It can be inferred that the poem is a snapshot of a conversation between a father and his curious son who has just discovered his hormones. Perhaps he is nervous about confronting a crush that he has kept inside him for too long. All throughout the poem, the father dictates how to act properly around the girl. Even if the girl is not into this "accepted"  nature of relationships, the boy is being taught to treat her as if she were interested in such. 

  • Check out this article about how gender is portrayed in children's literature
  • If your interested, take a look here to read a blog dealing with current diversity issues in the world 

Ladies Man

It’s best to start you off young; the younger you learn, the more time you’ll have to perfect the skill; start by holding the door; let her walk in ahead of you like this; don’t be stubborn, carry her bags; but what if they are to heavy?; don’t be so set on growing up weak; be sure to groom yourself nicely; this is how to comb your hair; this is how to rinse your mouth; this is how to tie a tie; never forget your appearance; this is how to approach her; this is how to use a line; But what if she thinks it’s stupid?; don’t set yourself up for failure; this is how to look into her eyes; never show weakness; this is how to give her a compliment; when she is talking, always pay attention; listen for signs; always appear confident so she doesn’t see what a weak, low self-esteemed boy you really are; this is how you take her out to dinner; Remember when you listened to her?; this is when you talk to her about those things; always pay the check and leave a good tip for the waitress; but what if I do not have the money on me?; don’t set yourself up to be broke; this is how to hold her hand; maybe you should practice that some more; read her body language; this is a skill, it must be practiced; this is how to walk her to the door; always kiss her goodnight; but what if-; -always kiss her goodnight so she doesn’t see what a weak, low self-esteemed, broke boy you really are.


  1. Hello Govna,

    I absolutely love your poem. My favorite part is the ending. I love how it connects the entire poem. It really brings it all together. I also like your writing style. When I was reading it, I felt like I was actually there. Great work, and not bad cereal eithhaa.

  2. Your poem was very entertaining and at the same time well written. My attention is captured in the beginning and it lasts until the ending which I think sums the poem up perfectly. I also like the National Geographic Pod gadget you have on the side because today's picture of the zebra matches perfectly with your blog template. I agree wit the poem that every young man should follow these rules because after all that is what girls want!
