Background: Tortilla Curtain is a novel that follows the lives of two families as they battle with the conflicts encircling the current illegal immigration issue. Candido and his wife America have traveled all the way from their tiny village in Mexico to get to Topanga State Park, where the are forced to live off the land and in shadows. All the while, Author T.C. Boyle foils the two immigrants with the story of Delaney and Kyra Mossbacher, who live comfortably in their home among the other members of the Arroyo Blanco community. Though the novel is written without suggestion of a hero and a villain, readers often sympathize with the struggling immigrants.
Assignment: Your job in this assignment will be to create a five-day journal in the body of an illegal immigrant. The first entry should take place the night before you areyour home in Mexico. What are your hopes? Do you have any fears? For the following five days, you will record your thoughts on the day's events. Do you ever lose hope? What are you expecting to be in America when you arrive. Your final entry should be conclusive, telling your readers how your personal journey ended. Use the sites found on my delicious site, as well as the quotes found below to help you complete the project. The final product may be in the form of a video journal or a blog post. Well, that's it... enjoy and be good luck crossing the border!
- My Delicious site with links!
- Quotes from Tortilla Curtain
- School database article
- Peer blog
- PLUS* Use the Itunes U audio podcast from Stanford University entitled "At the border: Immigrants, Enforcers, and Advocates"
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