Post #1
Trading Places: BLOG POST: Imagine you are removed from your current community and placed within one opposite of your present home (higher crime, poverty) and you are the minority. How would life be different if you lived there all your life and if you just began living there?

And grounded into an opposite world
A rippling fear grips me daily as I struggle through a hallway of strangers
Yesterday, I sat like a king in my classroom
Only the faintest specs of ignominy clouding my clever assertions
Today, I hide a reticent onlooker,
Only the most distant wall of the lunch hall here to answer my silent utterances
How I was uprooted,
Jerked out of my generous field, and forced into a most unfitting hole
Perhaps it would feel snug had I never known the flower guided sidewalks
Or the warm sun at the helmeted, bicycle riding back of my childhood.
I would have run with the pack,
A minority among minorities,
I would have survived…
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